Nowadays it is very profitable and popular among people in business to have an online casino software business.

To succeed it is important to observe all rules and requirements written in-laws to be sure that your gambling activity is legal.

Gambling Activity

When you start an online casino software business, it is necessary to pass a procedure of registration. And in this step, you will need a gambling license. Public authorities are to give you their permission to create and manage your business and gambling licenses are its acknowledgment. Their companies which offer their clients services for obtaining a gambling license and such services are usually beneficial.

Today there are more than 80 countries in the world, which allow people to get gambling licenses. Each state has its requirements for a process of registration, its pluses, and minuses. Among them, you will be able to find classic offshore zones and countries where such activity is also legal. So it is up to you to choose a jurisdiction that is most comfortable for the development of your business.

Why is it impossible to skip a stage of getting gambling licenses?
Not having a permit to operate a casino business means that you will not be able to launch your gambling website. The first thing that is crucial for all software companies that develop software for online casino games is a license issued in any jurisdiction.

Among all the advantages of having a gambling license are the security of the business, its high reputation, and legitimacy. All these characteristics are essential not only for players but also for your business partners.

Information that will help you in choosing a jurisdiction
Choosing a jurisdiction that will meet your requirements, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

Think of a country which citizens will mostly visit your online casino software . They must be familiar with the selected jurisdiction.
Calculate the amount of taxes you will need to pay.
Find out gambling licenses of which jurisdiction have the most significant authority in the world.
The most popular jurisdiction for opening an online gaming business
Malta: The license cost – 50 000 €.
Gibraltar: The license cost – 30 000 €, annual renewal – 2 000 €.
Costa Rica: The license cost – 15 000 $, the expenditure of renewal for three months – 1 500 $.
Isle of Man: The cost of applying for a license – 1 000£, annual renewal – 20 000 £.

How to make online casino software websites?
Nowadays it is popular among people in business to buy online casinos and to make online casino websites. But because of the rapid development of technologies and the prohibition of gambling in many jurisdictions, they all want to know how to do it properly.

Online Casino Software Website

The cost of an online casino software is large enough although you can do something by yourself you will need to ask professionals to help you in the creation of online casino softwarewebsites. It will be useful, even though it will cause some costs it guarantees a qualitative result.

To start a process of creation of online casino software websites, you will first need a site itself and secondly a group of people who are going to work on it – a programmer, a designer, a copywriter, and even a proofreader.

Making online casino software websites means that you are to install special software along with the most modern and favorite games. Moreover, its quality must be very high if a businessperson wants to make it a serious project. And unfortunately, all high-quality products are never cheap.

Also, people who want to own online casino software websites will need to get a gambling license. It is better to do it in the offshore zones, which are countries where there are low taxes on gambling activities.

All of the above mentioned takes a lot of time and money, and the estimated cost may exceed hundreds of thousands dollars. Experts say that you will need 100 thousand dollars and more to buy an online casino software, but everything is not so categorically. A lot will depend on the price of services in offshore jurisdictions which grant licenses on gambling activity.

Gambling Activity

The best way out in buying casino websites is to accept the help of professionals. They offer a service called “turnkey casino” that will reduce the number of your worries but will increase the successfulness of your business.

What is included in the “turnkey online casino “service? Development of a website;
  • an integration of games;
  • registration of a separate hosting;
  • an acquisition of a license for owning online casino websites;
  • recommendations about the promotion of a site;
  • a legal aid.
For those who want to start gambling business experts recommend to contact professionals of such company as Vegas-x.

They provide customers with a free consultation about how to open an online casino software website.


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